12 Park Avenue South, Northampton, NN3 3AA
01604 631475 - - - - - Founded 1922
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County Men's Top Club champions 2024

Off the Green
Abington B.C. hosts several other functions besides bowls. If you want to keep fit you might like to try:
Pilates Classes
Official website: Pilates Classes in Northampton
Mondays - 9:30am, 10:30am, 11:30am & 6pm
Tuesdays - 9:30am & 10:30am
Fridays - 9:30am & 10:30am
Pilates is a form of exercise aimed at improving the fitness of the mind as well as the body. So not only will your muscles become stronger and more toned but your brain will also be trained to improve your posture. Men and women of all ages welcome.
Sessions last one hour. Please bring your own mat.
Get Up & Go Classes (Otago)
Tuesdays - 11:30am
Fridays - 11:30am
Come along and improve your strength and balance in this seated exercise class.
For more information on either, please contact Chris Nightingale (pictured):
Tel: 07843787250
Email: bodyinbalancenorthampton@gmail.com
Facebook: Bodyinbalance@pilatesnorthampton
Art Class
An Art Class meets regularly at Abington Bowling Club, every Thursday morning from 10am - 12 noon. The class covers a variety of techniques and styles from Watercolouring to Collage to Acrylics.
The class also holds excursions to places including the Royal Academy of Arts, Tate Britain, and the home of Winston Churchill, to see his many artistic works.
There is a weekly fee of £7.00 per person.
To sign up for Art Class contact Gerald Porter:
Tel: 07587695052
Email: gerald_porter@talktalk.net